Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama's Stance the Really Grinds My Teeth

Obama's stance on gay marriage is taken for simple political expediency, as this article insinuates. This bunny is annoyed by this stance Obama has taken, despite being a big supporter. This bunny finds it hard to believe that Barry does not cringe every time he has to say:

"I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. I am not in favor of gay marriage. But when you start playing around with constitutions, just to prohibit somebody who cares about another person, it just seems to me that's not what America's about. Usually, our constitutions expand liberties, they don't contract them."

Barry, you have it in the bag, grow a spine on this issue. Bunnies throughout the nation are hoping you will eviscerate the bunnyism that faces us every day, including discrimination saying we are not real pets, are boring, and are dumb. How are you going to do that for us when you can't even stand up for your fellow humans!!!!

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